
What is nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology is a designation for the field of science and industry that purposefully manipulates individual atoms in order to create substances and materials with non-traditional properties, or objects composed of individual atoms. These objects then function as miniature machines, robots, or integrated circuits, thousands of times smaller than circuits produced by conventional technology.

It's true that these lines may sound a bit like something from a science fiction movie. This is mainly due to the fact that, until recently, we could only encounter nanotechnology at universities and in specialized scientific laboratories. We are talking here about a very complex discipline that intersects in various fields, such as physics, chemistry, molecular biology and robotics.

Nanotechnology as your helper

Anyway, in the last few years, the basic research of some applications has already been transferred to practice with the help of industry, and now everyone of us can use the advantages of nanotechnology.Even though this is only a fraction of the possibilities that this technology can offer us in the future, its application is already very large today.

One of the branches of nanotechnology, which is already proven in practice, is chemical nanotechnology. This industry also includes the German company NanoConcept, which is mainly focused on the development and production of active surfaces. Its nanoproducts are mainly used in the areas of material surface protection and nano impregnation, which is why they are sometimes called liquid glass..

Nanotechnology inspired by nature

The inspiration for this technology was nature and its clever solution of protective surfaces for plants and bugs. The most famous example is the so-called the the effect of a lotus flower. The water immediately flows from its leaves because it has very little contact with the surface, so the plant remains clean even when it grows out of the mud. Nano impregnation works in the same way – it repels liquids and dirt and prevents them from adhering to the material structure. It greatly simplifies routine cleaning and maintenance where necessary.

NanoConcept impregnation for fabrics and leathers in our offer:

NanoComcept 1000ml a 500ml

However, before we start describing the principle of chemical nanotechnology, let's explain what the term nano actually means.

What does the term nano mean?

The word "nano" comes from Greek and means smallness, a more remote meaning could be translated as a dwarf. In the language of physics, it has the meaning of one billionth of a unit (10-9). A nanometer is a billionth of a meter. You can put five to ten atoms side by side at this length. A nanometer is compared to a millimeter in size as a soccer ball is to a globe. Nanotechnology thus means penetrating into the realm of huge small worlds.

Human hair, 1200 times magnification

How does Nanoconcept nanotechnology work?

As already mentioned, the German company NanoConcept is mainly focused on modifying the surface properties of materials. Its nano products are made of nano particles and other components that bind tightly to the treated surface to create the desired effect. These particles are arranged intelligently during application, the contained components causing perfect adhesion towards the treated surface and the particles causing the lotus effect are directed outwards.

This "self-organization" creates an ultra-thin vitreous layer that reacts to the surface with a homogeneous connection, thus guaranteeing extreme durability. It also protects the surface from aggressive environmental influences.

Not everything is nano even if it looks like it

Not everywhere that says NANO is nanotechnology! These are often silicone, oil, acrylic or Teflon based products called nano products because they have a "short-term" repellent effect equal to a nano particle treated surface. In contrast to the real nanotechnology of the company NanoConcept, the surface treated with a common silicone agent must be renewed very often to maintain its properties. Seemingly favorable product prices thus lead to a price trap. You can also see the difference in the quality of resistance to mechanical wear by wipers, car washes or steam.

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