Impregnation will protect and extend the service life

The term impregnation is usually associated with leather in particular, but it does not refer only to this covering material. The surfaces of textile sofa sets and armchairs are exposed to the risk of pollution during use, which is caused primarily by the consumption of drinks and food, but also by the presence of animals in the household. Stains are very difficult to remove from an untreated surface and can even degrade the cover fabric. Fabric manufacturers therefore usually incorporate impregnation into the production process itself. However, even such protection is not eternal, and each impregnation material has its own limit capabilities. Therefore, it can be very useful, from time to time, to impregnate your sofa.

Increasing the resistance of the material and facilitating cleaning

In general, the term impregnation is understood as impregnation, or the result of impregnating solid substances (wood, fabrics, walls, etc.) with chemical substances that make them resistant to the effects of water, dirt, mold, pests, etc.

If we talk about covering materials, it must be said that most people associate the necessity of impregnation primarily with leather (or leather), for which regular application of an impregnation product is necessary to preserve its properties, resistance, flexibility and prevent drying and subsequent cracking. However, less known is the possibility of impregnating textiles, or textile seats, although even this covering material can benefit from impregnation.

Impregnation of the material with an impregnation solution (concentrated solution, oil) or another agent (balm, paste) ensures color fastness, flexibility, chemical and, to some extent, mechanical resistance of the covering material. The advantages of impregnation are mainly long-term durability and preservation of cleanliness, delaying the need for further cleaning and also preventing soiling or damage to the material.

In the case of textiles, the entire process works on a molecular basis, the molecules of the impregnating substance penetrate the core of the fiber and cover it. The special layer prevents the settling of dirt, the penetration of liquids and facilitates cleaning in domestic conditions. In the process of deep cleaning of the seat, which you should entrust to experts once a year, this is a very important part - impregnation helps to keep the material clean and easy to clean for a long time, which can save you a lot of effort and time.

Selected impregnation preparations prevent spilled liquid from soaking into the cover (image source:

Impregnation from the manufacturer

As already mentioned in the introduction, the impregnation of the cover material can already take place at its manufacturer. Special impregnations are used to make the covering materials resistant to moisture, writing with a pen or marker, normal dirt, sticky stains (from ketchup, mayonnaise, sauces) and spilled liquids (coffee, tea, wine, lemonade, etc.).

These impregnations prevent dirt from sticking to the fibers, soaking into them and damaging them, and at the same time make it easier for the customer to care for the cover. If the fabric is impregnated by the manufacturer, the price of the impregnation is already included in the price of the cover fabric. The advantage of impregnation by the manufacturer (compared to impregnation of the cover at home) is the certainty of uniform and thorough application of the impregnation preparation. In domestic conditions, it may not be possible to apply the product to every part of the cover.

You will even come across manufacturers that offer optional modifications, i.e. the customer can order some kind of impregnation, e.g. impregnation that increases resistance to soiling or reduces the flammability of the material.

Impregnation of the covering fabric in domestic conditions

It is also possible to increase the resistance of the coating by impregnation yourself at home. In stores you can buy impregnation preparations that are applied very simply, usually by spraying on the cleaned surface of the fabric. . However, it is important to choose carefully, taking into account the type of material you are going to impregnate (leather, natural fabric, synthetic fabric).

If the seller or manufacturer of the covering fabric, or seats recommends a specific cleaning or impregnation product,it is advisable to stick to these recommendations. After applying the preparation, it is necessary to let it dry, while during drying it is fixed on the material. Such impregnation will ensure that the sofa set becomes more resistant to water, dirt and dirt will not bind to it. Usually only lukewarm water will be enough to clean the surface.

The service life of such a treatment depends on how often you use the seat, the manufacturers of protective products say about two years. At the end of its useful life, you can simply reapply this protection.. The price of these products is roughly in the range of 10-40 euros, of course, it is important to note the volume of the given preparation and how large an area can be impregnated with it.

Impregnation performed by professional companies

If you decide to use professional cleaning services, the first step to impregnation will be a thorough vacuum extraction cleaning and removal of odors from the upholstery. Only then is impregnation followed, which for some products is applied immediately to the damp surface of the seat so that it sufficiently penetrates the open and cleaned fiber, while for others it is applied to a dry surface. Impregnation of the seat is usually carried out by spraying the impregnation solution using a machine applicator. Machine technology, for example, is often used, which is based on gentle jet spraying with regulation of the pressure force of the impregnation spray, while achieving highly effective penetration into the textile fiber.

Various professional preparations, are used for impregnation, which can have several effects. Popular among customers is, for example, impregnation, which works mainly against soiling. Impregnation wraps the fiber with a protective film and prevents dirt from getting stuck on the fiber. These impurities can therefore be easily removed by vacuuming the cover. The application of this impregnation has a roughly three-year durability, depending on the intensity of use and the load on the seat.

Thin and thick liquids, dust and larger impurities - impregnation increases the protection of the coating against their negative effects:

The so-called is also gaining in popularity. nano impregnation, which ensures increased resistance to liquids. It is a water-based impregnation for textiles made of natural and artificial fibers. The fiber is covered with an invisible film, which gives it a strong hydrophobic property. Thanks to the change in surface tension, it repels liquids away from the fiber and dirt cannot adhere to the fiber. The treated material retains its breathability. The application is odorless, dry and requires several hours of surface drying.

In addition, special impregnation preparations can address specific customer requirements, such as protecting the cover from urine or odors coming from domestic animals .

In the comfort of your own home

If you want to keep your upholstered furniture beautiful and functional for a long time, impregnation can be one of the steps that will protect your investment in quality home furnishings. If you are afraid to tackle it yourself, invite the help of professionals from cleaning services - after an agreement, they will come directly to your home and you do not have to take the sofa anywhere. If you start the impregnation yourself, before you give the cover increased protection, familiarize yourself not only with the composition of the cover material, but also with the impregnation agent, so that you do not do more harm than good with the impregnation and do not damage the cover with an inappropriate preparation and application procedure.

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